July 6th, 2015
Presentation: Using the Centropa Database to learn about Greek Jews
Author: Stella Kalle
Download the presentation here
Presentation: Everyday life during WWII
Author: Damjan Snoj
Download the presentation here
Presentation:"Identity Boxes"
Author: Douglas Greeneon identity and family connections.
Download the presentation here
Presentation "Presentation: Our Jewish Holiday Cooking Project
Presentation: Pen friends Cross-Cultural Project with Slovakia
Author: Brittany Brown
Download the presentation here
JULY 7, 201
Presentation: The Jewish history of Wrocław
Authors: Joanna Zimnowoda and Beata Skuza
Centropa: inspired us get our students interested in the Jewish history of our city, Wrocław.
The project: Following the traces of Jewish culture in Wrocław.
download the presentation here
JULY 8, 2015
JULY 9, 2015
JULY 10, 2015
Presentation: How Narratives Shape Memory
Download the presentation here
JULY 11, 2015
JULY 12, 2015
JULY 13, 2015
Lesson Plan - "Cities and Shtetls: Life Before World War II in Central Europe"
Jacek Jaros, Poland, VI Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im.Juliusza Slowackiego Zoryana Obidina, Ukraine Educational Establishment “SEL”
Andrea Baumannova, Czech Republic, High School and BA Hodonin Brenda Most, NC, USA, Washington High School
Caroline Slifkin, U.K., Freelance Holocaust Educator
download the lesson plan here (pdf)
Presentation: Responding To Change
Download the presentation here
Lesson Plan - "Do the Right Thing"
Chris Murray (US), Ronen Kandel (Israel), Ilijan Kuzmanovic (Bosnia), Lilijana Lazarevska (Macedonia), Rachel Shepherd (US)
download the lesson plan here (PDF)
Lesson Plan - "Resistance and Rebellion in Eastern Europe (1968)"
Authors: Jon Hale, Matthew Lummel, Cristina Radu
download the lesson plan here (Microsoft Powerpoint)
Lesson Plan - When Governments Fail, Civil Society Steps In: Importance of Civic Action
Cherie Arnette, Escambia County School District, FL, USA
Saulius Skučas, Garliava Juozas Lukša Gymnasium, Kaunas district, Lithuania Damjan Snoj, OŠ Preserje, Slovenia
Barbara Hairfield, Charleston County School District, SC, USA
download the lesson plan here (PDF)
Lesson Plan - "So What Really Happened?"
Authors: Shana Goldstein, Agnieszka Kania, Kirsten Lakeberg, Ruthy Sachar-Louck, and Bryan Craig Sandala
Essential Questions
How do people, places, and/or things evoke memories?
How do different people form different memories about a single person, place, thing, or event?
How did people, places, things, and events play significant
roles in the experiences of individuals during the Holocaust?
download the lesson plan here (PDF)
Video elective - "Alone You Will March"
Watch the film here
Video elective - Waltraud Neuhauser & Erwin Dorn
watch the film here
Video elective - Tobin "Does A Place Have a Face?"
watch the film here
Video elective - Joanna "I believe"
watch the film here